Pagan Family Chant
(some parts by morning feather/Will Shepardson)
This version recorded by Irene Glasse and the Frederick CUUPS community.
As a way to be more inclusive, we currently do not use Woman/Man while singing this chant and instead use Spirit ex: I am a strong Spirit I am a loving Spirit I am a (healer/warrior/priestess/goddess) and my soul will never die |
(women): I am a strong woman
I am a loving woman I am a (healer/warrior/priestess/goddess) and my soul will never die (men): I am a strong man I am a loving man I am a (healer/warrior/priest/god) and my soul will never die (everyone): We are an old family We are a new family We are the same family stronger than before We honor you, we empower you To be who you are We honor you, we empower you To be who you are |